
Migrating the Blog

I will be migrating the blog over to Wordpress on Sunday, 1/3.   The new URL will be http://worklifekaizen.wordpress.com and I will be republishing some of the earlier content from this site.

If you have read these earlier posts before, I apologize but this is the simplest way I know to migrate the content.

Thanks for following WLK!


My 3 Words for 2010

My 3 words for 2010 is an idea learned from Chris Brogran.   I've always been one to go the route of committing to 'get in shape' and 'be a better person' which have been very vague goals or resolutions that ending up going nowhere around February each year.   I'd liked the idea of establishing 3 words that I can look to throughout the entire year that are providing guidance to some of the key underlying goals that I personally want to accomplish in 2010.

My 3 Words: Courage, Committed, Captain 

1) Courage - I want to not be held back in 2010, to be able to go for something that may seem like a risky decision to some, but will create opportunities for my family.

2) Committed - I've done a lot of thinking with my down time over the last couple weeks and I have several personal and professional commitments that I want to see through to the end.   I think it is important to finish things you've started.    

3) Captain - I see this as Leadership, how do I grow as a leader and demonstrate the true characters of a leader in my day to day interactions with my friends and co-workers.

What are your 3 words?
