
Making a Commitment & Sticking to It!

I've had eight days off away from work to really think about what's important to me.  Among many things, one area of focus was my blog and how I felt a sense of failure by not making it a habit to post content on a consistent basis.

I've convinced myself as I look towards 2010 that I still have a drive to keep the blog up, to continue to post topics that can generate discussions around improving our everyday interactions @ work or @ life.

My personal commitment is to establish a habit for the blog and I've been checking out 6changes for assistance, a site created by Leo Babauta who is best known for his blog, Zen Habits.

Over the break, I've been brainstorming future ideas for posts and I plan to release them over the next 2 weeks.  I'm following the Edison method with this post to see that I follow through on it! 

"If you want to make a difference in other people's lives as a leader, look into your heart to see if your really committed."  - John C Maxwell
