
What I'm following to improve...

One of the many ways to improve oneself's knowledge is from the willingness and committment to read. This could be reading books, reading magazines, reading blogs, subscribing and reading your favorite RSS feeds, following tweets from your favorite people on Twitter, blah, blah, blah. (BTW, blah blah blah is a technical term used frequently by a former Japanese Advisor @ work).

I thought with this post I'd share what I'm currently reading to help contribute to my personal work life kaizen! I'd be interested in knowing what additional recommendations you all may have to share.

Books I'm currently reading
(1) Making it All Work - David Allen
(2) Become a Better You - Joel Osteen
(3) The Effective Executive - Peter Drucker

Magazines I'm currently reading
(1) Productive! magazine (online distribution)

Short list of Blogs I'm currently following
(1) Black Belt Productivity
(2) Zen Habits
(3) Positive Sharing
(4) Extreme Leadership
(5) GTD Times
(6) Manager Tools
(7) Lean Blog
(8) Mixergy.com
(9) TechCrunch
(10) CuriousCat Management Improvement

These are just a few of the great sites that I frequently visit. I plan on sharing additional links by adding future content to the right-hand side of the blog.

Continuously educating yourself through reading will certainly contribute to daily improvements whether that be @ work or @ life. Take the time to read.

Your feedback is welcomed,
